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Monday, October 24, 2011

Makes No Sense! Frenemy Series Part Three

 renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

In September, a worker at Time Warner slumps over at her desk. Her co-worker sees this, and begins CPR. She is told to stop. She is also told to get back to answering calls. Unfortunately, the woman dies. Her co-worker is told she could be held liable. Go here for more information.

This happened in Ohio where there is a Good Samaritan law so the helping co-worker would not be held liable. And quiet as it's kept, Time Warner would not have been held liable. How is it that we've gone from placing defibrillators in public places and even in some businesses to not administering CPR to someone in need?

I recognize that people sue over the most frivolous things, but it goes both ways. Doing nothing also brings lawsuits. Especially since people in the office were trained to perform CPR. I'm not talking the co-worker who tried to assist. Time Warner also held CPR classes for this very thing. It makes me wonder why the supervisor stopped her and why the other one told the Samaritan co-worker she could be held liable.

This makes me wonder if management was trained about the Samaritan law. I know companies can't cover all events that could happen, but it seems at this particular Time Warner branch, they have two supervisors who need to be brought up to speed about the correct thing to do in an emergency. Doing something would not have incurred any liability for the Samaritan co-worker and the company. Doing nothing, based off of the video, has brought the attention of the police, and probably a lawsuit from the family for Time Warner.

I hear and read about it all the time. Time Warner is not the first and certainly won't be the last. Companies behave cold and callously toward its workers all the time. Sometimes the law covers them, and sometimes it doesn't. It's the way of the world now. Perilous times, these are.

Previous frenemy posts:
Declawing and L'oven Fresh Bread Have My Knickers In A Twist!
True Frenemy Series Part Two: Really, No, Really?!
True Frenemy! Part One

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