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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why, Netflix, Why?!

I ended my Netflix account two weeks ago. I had the unlimited one-dvd mailed a month and the unlimited streaming. As most Netflix users would tell you, the streaming was offered for free along with the mailing. This will not be so come September 1st.

I was a member for almost a year, with the last two and a half months my account was on hold. I had debated since January about continuing my subscription. It took me almost a month to watch the movie Three Kings. I kept flip flopping, and finally, money issues chose for me. I put the account on hold. And on June 30th, I cancelled the account.


1. I did not miss it. I had Crackle.comHulu and a few others, if pressed.
2. The streaming content was decent, but not good. I needed it to be good.
3. I can get movies from the library for free.

The house has satellite so if I really need to see a movie, I can see one. A few of my free sample websites usually gets codes from Blockbuster for free movies, and also the occasional code for free movies for Redbox, so yeah, goodbye Netflix.

Now with it costing more for mailed DVDs and okay streaming choices, I don't think I will ever go back. I blame Netflix and Hollywood for this change in service. I was almost outraged by this news, but I heard Netflix will be re-negotiating licenses, and Hollywood wants a bigger cut. (If you want to know what outrages me, it's hearing that the greedy EA Games has bought Popcap Games, home to my beloved BeJeweled!)

I don't understand the studios or the cable networks. I hear people speculate how no one could have predicted Netflix's success. No. That's wrong. The idea that brought Netflix into being is the same idea each studio and network could have had once they laid eyes on YouTube. if anything, they continued to think in old, outdated ways that people would return to old viewing habits. Ha!

I am one of those people who has drastically changed her viewing habits. Hollywood, I am not the only one. So while I understand why Netflix did the increase, it does not mean I agree with it, especially after I learned they are expanding into other countries. So we must pay for rising license costs and expansion?! Well, the consumers who still enjoy Netflix must pay, because I cancelled.

I am still not outraged. Even if I still subscribed, I would probably end my subscription for the reasons I stated above. I hear Netflix's Facebook page was filled with irate complaints, but really, no one should be surprised. I guess in order for any company to stay viable, especially to stockholders, they must show they mean business. But I wonder when increasing prices crosses over to greed. I know a lot of people it feels that way. But I bet those stockholders rallied on the news. And I can't help but wonder if enough customers leave what incentives will Netflix do to get us back?

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