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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If RIAA, US Chamber of Commerce, And the Motion Pictures Association of America Had Their Way

Personally, I'd like to do something tougher, such as not buy music or watch movies, well, go to the movie theater to show these companies that I am not only on to them, but just how much money they would lose if they do not back down from backing SOPA and PIPA. (Full disclosure: I don't do that now since nothing good is coming from music and most movies leave a bad taste!)

See these types of corporations only change when their bottomline is affected. Wikipedia and Reddit going dark, and Google putting up a page and links aren't going to budge them. But losing money will. And quiet as it's kept, they need Facebook to do something major. If Google and Facbook went dark, yeah, things would change.

SOPA and PIPA is censorship. And the pirates always find a way and the little guy is always caught in these webs.

Trust me when I say the pirates find a way around whatever cease and desist is put out there. Trust me when I say that the underdogs always lose out in these matters. And you can trust me when I say these corporate losers will not make any extra money with the new laws passed.

Thanks to Emily Hauser over at Angry Black Lady for all the info, and ways for me to do something on my little blogs.

Truth: the bills in Congress are all but dead, and President Obama has promised to veto, but they will be resurrected because people forget and people like to stay ignorant and these companies have deep pockets, and listening devices (yes, that's a toss at Rupert Murdoch and his hot mess--he's pushing this, too)!

Nabbed from AngryBlackLady who got it from SkepChick who copy-pasta'ed from Know Your Meme!