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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Sentiments Exactly!

I know it's gearing up. After all, there was a debate a couple of nights ago. I am just not looking forward to the 2012 Presidential elections. I am just not. Each side will do its best to bury the other side. The only somewhat good thing to come out of a Republican in the White House will be the Tea Party people will calm down and shut up. Yeah, I know they won't but it could happen.

With Donald Trump leading the way, I knew we would be in for a lousy 17 months. He sensibly bowed out. I like to think it is because he knew he would lose, but who knows what went through his head. And the next person soon filled his void. I knew she was coming. She had been quiet for a little while. But I just knew she would soon rear her head. And now, Sarah Palin is putting on the full strip-tease.

Of course, polls show she doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning, but common sense aint common. Then she has a pizza date with Donald Trump. At first, I thought she's working her way back. Then emails from the past come out. But you know what? Let her come out. And by golly, Palin run!

Yep, let the grizzly run if she wants to. And please Republican party, make her your choice. Please guarantee a second term for Obama by choosing Palin. McClain and his cronies made the erroneous choice of choosing her as his v.p. running mate thinking she equaled Hilary Clinton (Really? No, really?!), so I'm sure the Elephants will think she can beat him just because the Tea Party likes her. (Yes, I know the Republican Party are trying to distance themselves from that group, but they have consistently showed lapses of judgment in the past so if the Tea Party runs hot again, the Republicans will surely hitch their bandwagon to them again).

While I am just not ready for the sordid race to come, I feel just like stopthemadness over at Angry Black Lady Chronicles. I am just a bit more polite about my dislike. stopthemadness' point about Sarah Palin and her ilk, however, is just on point. And it saddens me. I cannot help but think "how the mighty has fallen." Not Sarah mind you. She's never been mighty to me. She is the main reason I voted for Obama, despite my misgivings.

I would end on the saying "common sense would say" but I've found that it's not common. How about the inmates are running the asylum?! Yeah, that works.


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