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Monday, June 27, 2011

Jon Stewart For President!

About a month ago, I was having a conversation about Jon Stewart with an acquaintance. I basically said that he is a comedian, and yet I find him more credible than most news reporters, left or right. I watched in amusement as Fox News condemned the Obamas for having rapper Common for dinner at the White House. I think it was Poetry night or something. Really, Fox Channel, Common? One of the most tamest rappers out nowadays? I could understand Lil' Wayne. I could understand Ice-T. I can even understand Chuck D. But Common? I digress.

When Stewart and O'Reilly had their debate, Stewart pointed out that a lot of recent presidents, the Republicans included, had invited artists to the White House who had made songs condemning governmental policies and questionable acts, and Stewart basically told the Fox Channel that they were all morons. Truthfully, there were other points to be made, but O'Reilly went after Common's lyrics, so Stewart pulled out the big guns, and called the man a hypocrite, well, without using the word hypocrite. If Stewart and his research department could get that information then so could O'Reilly and his research department. And I know some people wonder why he chose that angle. Because it's the best way to incite its viewers.

Another part of my conversation was to remind my acquaintance that just because he and I know that Common is not some thuggish ruggish rapper, mainstream America does not. They only know what they hear in the news. The Fox News Channel is guilty of perpetuating myths, lies, and inciting its viewers to spread misinformation. Why? Ratings.

Jon Stewart, bless his heart, repeatedly punches holes in all of their tomfoolery. I believe the man spends 40 minutes of his show on the idiocy that reigns supreme over at Fox. And Fox loves to have him on debating with his anchors and hosts. Why? Ratings. Stewart's followers follow him everywhere so Fox shows' ratings go up. His own show consistently thrashes his news competition. He's a comedian.

Stewart was recently interviewed by Chris Wallace. He basically reiterated my thoughts to my acquaintance. "I’m given credibility in this world because of the disappointment the public has in what the news media does." He's a comedian. I cannot reiterate that enough. I should be able to find credible news on CNN or MSNBC if not Fox. But all of them seem to have one thing on their minds: ratings. And instead of doing the research, I get lies and half-truths. My local news is no different. The amount of nonsensical drudge I get from them is astounding. Instead of just the facts, I have reporters hounding politicians and local business owners, while not telling me anything; and doctors handing me doom and gloom about every malady they can think of, but yet I already know. Why? Ratings. Even the weather forecasts miss the mark. What happened to objectivity? Edward Murrow would be turning over in his grave if he saw the shenanigans going on.

If this country wants to continue its trend of letting the inmates run the asylum, then by golly, I nominate Jon Stewart for President. And do not get me started on the public. It seems people like to be misinformed, and certain channels want to keep it that way. Instead of attention being on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife's questionable associations, it's on former congressman Weiner and his inability to understand what it means to be in public service. And speaking of him, it brings me back to Stewart and his presidential run. He knows how to shuck and jive like the rest of them. Since he and Weiner are friends, he did not go on the attack like he typically does, and that is pretty much how I see the presidency. Hard on some things, soft on others. I'm ending this now, but I just want you to watch the video of the Chis Wallace - Jon Stewart interview.


Update: June 28, 2011: He was right!
Here's The Proof

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